Parent Information

1) If your child is unable to attend practice, please text Carol (cell: 252-340-3638) BY 8PM THE NIGHT BEFORE. Rowing requires much planning and organization. Every team member will be given a seat in a boat unless we have heard they will not be attending practice that day.

2) CLOTHING: Form fitting, no pockets, no rings, no long shirts. Please wear orange hats everyday for safety.

3) Leave cell phones on shore. Security of phones is NOT guaranteed inside the boathouse. The suggestion is for them to be left at home.

4) NO snacks inside the boathouse. Ants and rats have been a problem in the past. Bring ONLY a labeled water bottle.

5) There is a green laundry basket inside the glass doors for Lost and Found or missing items.

6) It is of utmost importance that rowers LISTEN to coaches and coxswain; talking in and around moving boats, both on AND off the water, can be a safety issue!

7) If your rower experiences an issue in their boat it needs to be discussed with the coaches (no gossiping with other rowers).

8) Encourage your rowers daily to come to practice with a positive attitude. They will be expected to focus, follow and LISTEN.

9) We have 4 rowing seasons:

Spring: February 21st to the end of May (afternoon 3:15-6:00 pm, M,W,F)

Summer: June- August (mornings 7:15-9:30am M,W,F)

Fall: Sept 1st to middle of November (afternoon 3:15-6:00 pm M,W,F)

Winter: December- February (Winter training INDOORS, afternoons 3:30-5:00 pm Tu,Th)

*Each season is $170

*We compete against schools who row 5-6 days per week. We require an overall longer season to remain competitive.

10) In the case of bad weather we will NOT cancel practice. We have the ability to use the gym and/or workout inside the boathouse. On these days please wear running shoes, bring water and a towel.